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personal recognition中文是什么意思

用"personal recognition"造句"personal recognition"怎么读"personal recognition" in a sentence


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  • The policy of kennedy administration to the berlin crisis was influenced by kennedy ' s personal recognitions of the cold war , european situations , and the german problem and the berlin problem
  • I am deeply honored - - but whatever personal recognition derives from this award , i believe that this high tribute is the result of the truly historic achievement of this humanitarian effort to rid the world of one indiscriminate weapon
    我深感荣幸? ?但是无论在这一奖项中个人能得到什么荣誉,我相信,在世界范围内去除这一任意使用的武器的人道主义努力已经取得了真正历史性的成就,而这一最高奖项正是这一成就的直接结果。
  • For the women of my generation who were urged to keep juggling through the & acute 80s , down - shifting in the mid & acute 90s is not so much a search for the mythical good lift - growing your own organic vegetables , and risking turning into one - as a personal recognition of your limitations
    对于我这一代曾在整个80年代为生活奔波的女人来说, 90年代中期出现的归隐恬退与其说是我们寻求一种神话般的美好生活- -用有机肥种;植蔬菜,并且自己放弃一切的风险- -不如说是我们清醒地认识到自身;能力是有限的这一事实。
  • For the women of my generation who were urged to keep juggling through the " 80s , down - shifting in the mid " 90s is not so much a search for the mythical good lift - growing your own organic vegetables , and risking turning into one - as a personal recognition of your limitations
    对于我这一代曾在整个80年代为生活奔波的女人来说, 90年代中期出现的归隐恬退与其说是我们寻求一种神话般的美好生活- -用有机肥种植蔬菜,并且自己放弃一切的风险- -不如说是我们清醒地认识到自身;能力是有限的这一事实。
用"personal recognition"造句  
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